Ms. Yi-Jung
Chief of Clinical Pharmacy, CCH
Speaker's Biography
Ms. Yi-Jung Chiang
Division Chief of Clinical Pharmacy, CCHYi-Jung Chiang is Division Chief of Clinical pharmacy division in Changhua Christian Hospital (CCH). She received Master degree of clinical pharmacy from National Cheng Kung University in 2008. After working in CCH, She has been involved in several medication management projects and pharmacist training programs. During last five years, she also participated in several quality improvement projects and smart health care development, and these projects also won National Healthcare Quality Awards.
CCH Precision medication task force has been established in the end of 2018. Through the efforts of the collaborative teamwork, we want to achieve the goals including precision prescription by doctors, precision dispensing by pharmacist, precision administrion of medication by nurse, and precision medication taking by patient. In this section, I want to share the experience about how we implemented information technologis and automation equiments to improve safety and workflow efficiency by developing clinical decision supporting systems, smart dispensing and administration system.