Congratulatory Remarks

Yen-Po Yeh, MD

Director of Changhua County PublicHealth Bureau

Dear Superintendent Chen, distinguished guests, speakers, moderators, ladies, and gentlemen

On behalf of the Changhua County Government, I would like to express my sincere blessing to Changhua Christian Hospital for today's conference. Changhua Christian Hospital is the most historic medical center in central Taiwan, uphold the spirits of Christ Jesus' selfless dedication and humble service for the patients.

Changhua Christian Hospital, collaborating with the Joint Commission of Taiwan, Taiwan Healthcare Quality Association, Taiwan Patient Safety Culture Club, Taiwan Society of Health System Pharmacists, and Taiwan Union of Nurse Association, co-host the "2022 Smart Technology on Precision Medication International Conference". Expert speakers will share their experience about patient safety with an aim to improve the quality care of hospital.

Medication safety, as one of the major goals of Taiwan patient safety program, comprises several aspects, such as medication reconciliation, high alert medication management and infusing pump safety control. In the hospitals, medication errors are common, resulting in different kinds of adverse events. Wrong medication, wrong route or dose, or the wrong frequency are typical errors. Medication precision could play an important role for remedy of these errors.

It's my honor to be an opening remark speaker. I wish Changhua Christian Hospital to be the benchmark of patient safety worldwide, and bless today's conference successfully. Thank you!   

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